In Marvel Studios Eternals, ten immortal super-beings are tasked with protecting humanity from monstrous predators named Deviants. Arriving aboard their starship Domo in 5000 BC, each Eternal has their own cosmic powers and skills. Even being thousands of years old, the Eternal 'Sprite' (played by Lia McHugh) is cursed with eternally looking like a twelve-year-old girl and is not-so-secretly in love with 'Ikaris'. Originally depicted as a boy in Jack Kirby's Marvel Comics series, she has the power to project life-like illusions to distract and confuse friends and enemies alike.
Monday, November 22, 2021
Lia McHugh's Sprite costume from Eternals on display...
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Kumail Nanjiani's Kingo costume from Eternals on display...
Marvel Studios newest movie is the saga of the Eternals, a race of immortal super-beings who have lived on Earth and shaped its history and civilization. One of the Eternals tasked with protecting humanity from the predatory Deviants is 'Kingo' (played by Kumail Nanjiani), imbued with the ability to project cosmic energy projectiles form his hands. Attracted to fame, he has become a Bollywood legend in India over the decades. To hide his ageless life he has pretended to be his own great-grandfather, grandfather and father, following in their Bollywood legacy as a famous movie star, dancer and director. He is served by a faithful human valet named 'Karun' (Hairsh Patel), who documentary-style records the Eternals present day reunion.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Barry Keoghan's Druig costume from Eternals on display...
In the latest Marvel Studios movie Barry Keoghan plays the mind-controlling Eternal, 'Druig'. He is one of ten Eternals tasked with protecting humanity from the predatory Deviants since their arrival on Earth aboard the starship Domo in 5000 BC. He has great chemistry and a connection with the deaf speedster 'Makkari'.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Don Lee's Gilgamesh costume from Eternals on display...
In Marvel Studios Eternals, Don Lee brings the powerful 'Gilgamesh' to life on the big screen, the Korean actor giving life to the strong hero from ancient Mesopotamian mythology. He is one of ten super-beings tasked by the Celestial 'Arishem' with protecting and shepherding the human race since their arrive on Earth in their spaceship the Domo in 5000 BC. Possessing a long life span like his fellow Eternals, he is the strongest of his companions and has a special bond with the warrior 'Thena'.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Salma Hayek's Ajak costume from Eternals on display...
In Chloé Zhao's Marvel Studios directorial debut, Salma Hayek plays 'Ajak', the leader of the cosmically powered, long-lived Eternals. Traditionally a male character in the Marvel comic books, Ajak has been gender flipped like 'Makkari' to provide more diversity to the ten Eternals. A wise and spiritual leader with the ability to heal, she also has the power to speak with the Celestial 'Arishem' via alien technology in order to fulfill their mission of protecting humanity from Deviants on Earth since 5000 BC.