In Disney's 2010 fantasy-action film, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Nicolas Cage's magician 'Balthazar Blake' takes on a reluctant protégé (Jay Baruchel's NYU physics student 'Dave Stutler') to help stop evil magical forces from taking over the world in modern-day Manhattan. In 740 AD Balthazar was once an apprentice to 'Merlin' along with Alfred Molina's 'Maxim Horvath' who betrayed his master and colleagues to help the sorcerous 'Morgana le Fay', but was ultimately foiled and imprisoned in the Grimhold nesting doll prison, until he escaped to cause havoc again in modern times. The film also features a sequence with Jay Baruchel which pays homage to Disney's 1940 animated film Fantasia starring 'Mickey Mouse'.
Fans of the film can also enjoy these movie costumes from The Sorcerer's Apprentice designed by Michael Kaplan on display during the feature's theatrical release in 2010.
Nicolas Cage admirers can also check out his National Treasure film costume and props on display.