In the sci-fi comedy series, Future Man, Josh Hutcherson play a research facility janitor who successfully completes his favourite game, Biotic Wars, and is subsequently recruited by the game's two main warrior characters, Eliza Coupe's 'Tiger' and Derek Wilson's 'Wolf', to fight in the real futuristic conflict. Traveling through time to change the future they end up altering the timeline and in the second season meet alternate version of themselves, 'Ty-Anne' and 'Torque'.
Screen-worn costumes from Future Man's second season
Kathryn Langston Orindgreff was Costume Designer on the series, with help from Assistant Costume Designer Suzy Magnin and Costume Supervisor Stephanie Siemens.
Science fiction fans can enjoy all these other screen-used movie costumes and props from the big and small screen.
Future Man TV billboard