Created in 1976 by Jack Kirby, Marvel Comics the Eternals make their big screen debut this November as part of Phase Four of the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the Marvel Studios film Gemma Chan plays 'Sersi', one of the ten long-lived alien humanoids tasked with protecting the development of humanity on Earth by the Celestial 'Arishem'. Arriving on the planet in 5000 BC on their starship Domo, the empathic Eternal uses her superpower to transform matter through physical contact to protect humans from the galaxy's alpha predators, the Deviants.
Sersi costume worn by Gemma Chan
Once in a centuries-long relationship with 'Ikaris', in the present day she is a museum curator in London dating 'Dane Whitman' (known in the Marvel Comics as the 'Black Knight').
Sammy Sheldon Differ was Costume Designer on director Chloé Zhao's MCU directorial debut, and initial concepts for the Eternals super-suits came from Ryan Meinerding, Marvel Studios Head of Visual Development.
You can also see more of the Costume Designer's work with this Ant-Man movie costume, these Annihilation movie costumes and these Assassin's Creed film costumes.
Sersi's green-hued costume was photographed on display alongside nine other Eternals movie costumes at Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre on November 10, 2021.
Eternals movie poster
Do you have photos of the 2 other outfits on display? Specifically Ajak?
ReplyDeleteI'll be posting more costumes, including Ajak, in the days ahead.