Fans of Christopher Nolan's epic third installment in The Dark Knight trilogy will love these original costumes on display from the movie at ArcLight Hollywood in L.A. on July 20, 2012.
Original costumes worn in The Dark Knight Rises on display
Even with the tragic and shocking shootings in Colorado at an opening night screening of The Dark Knight Rises, cinema goers still flocked to ArcLight's flagship theatre to take in the Summer blockbuster on Friday.

In addition to an action-packed, socially relevant and frankly quite lengthy movie, they were treated to these amazing costumes worn by the movie's stars - Christian Bale's Batman suit, Anne Hathaway's sexy Catwoman costume and Tom Hardy's militaristic Bane outfit.

Fans were literally marveling at the Lindy Hemming designed comic book outfits and snapping away with their iPhones and cameras and having their pictures taken beside them. It was like a shrine to superherodom.
Be sure to stick around in the days to come for more detailed photos of each of these costumes, including my personal favorite, the new skin-tight Catwoman suit.
Plus if you're a Bat-fan, be sure to check out all these cool billboards for The Dark Knight Rises from around the streets of L.A.
The Dark Knight Rises movie billboard
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