In the movies it's not only the costumes and special effects that can transport you to other worlds, it's also the movie props used by the actors and to dress a set that can help you make believe.
Original John Carter movie props

These original props from Disney's big screen John Carter of Mars adaptation were photographed on display at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on March 15, where they will be for cinema goers to see until April 19 2012.
John Carter movie exhibit at the El Capitan Theatre
Included amongst the array of props was the medallion used by John Carter to transport himself to Mars, when he kills and takes it from the Thern in the cave on Earth.
Thern medallion prop used in John Carter

Also on display was John Carter's Will and journal props, which his nephew Edgar 'Ned' Rice Burroughs reads after the apparent death of his wealthy and eccentric uncle.
John Carter's Will and Journal props
Also integral to the movie's plot is this door from the mausoleum crypt where John Carter is placed when he 'dies'.
Mausoleum door set piece from John Carter

The Latin inscription on the door 'Inter Mundos' contains a secret key code to the vault, which only opens from the inside, and I believe it translates as 'Between Worlds', which is quite appropriate.
Tars Tarkas telescope prop from John Carter
The exhibit also included telescope and sword props used by the digitally-created green six-limbed Martian Thark Jeddak (leader), 'Tars Tarkas', voiced by Willem Dafoe.
Tar Tarkas sword prop from John Carter

John Carter movie billboard