Lynn Collins plays 'Dejah Thoris', Princess of the Martian city of Helium, and love interest of Earthman 'John Carter' in the movie of the same name based on Edgar Rice Burroughs literary creations.
Original Dejah Thoris costume
worn by Lynn Collins in Disney's John Carter

This exotic and revealing costume was designed by Mayes C. Rubeo and was photographed on display at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema on February 23, 2012.
John Carter movie billboard

You can also take a closer look at the wedding headdress and jewelry worn by Dejah Thoris here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.
If you like this outfit, be sure to also check out Taylor Kitsch's John Carter costume on display.
Actual Princess Dejah Thoris costume featured in John Carter

This golden outfit worn by Dejah Thoris reminds me a bit of Princess Tamina's costume from another Disney sand-and-sandals fantasy, Prince of Persia.
John Carter movie poster