In the second standalone Star Wars story directed by Ron Howard, Alden Ehrenreich plays young smuggling scoundrel 'Han Solo' as we discover when he first stepped aboard the Millennium Falcon, met his Wookiee partner-in-crime and co-pilot 'Chewbacca' and the charming 'Lando Calrissian' (played by Donald Glover). In this outer space heist movie we also get to meet some of his childhood friends, like Emilia Clarke's femme fatale 'Qi'ra', plus explore the seedy underworld of career criminals years before joining the Rebellion.
Original film costumes from Solo: A Star Wars Story
This trio of costumes from the Solo movie were photographed on display at ArcLight Hollywood cinema on May 13, 2018.
Solo: A Star Wars Story movie billboard
David Crossman and Glyn Dillon were Costume Designers on this sci-fi spectacular, responsible for creating the retro Star Wars looks, and you can also see their work with these Rogue One: A Star Wars Story film costumes.
Qi'ra costume worn by Emilia Clarke
in Solo: A Star Wars Story
In the prequel, Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke plays one of Han's childhood pals that he apparently grew up with, the enigmatic 'Qi'ra'.
Solo: A Star Wars Story movie poster
In this origin story, Alden Ehrenreich has the lofty task of living up to Harrison Ford's charisma, including his trademark winks and grins, as a young Han Solo learning the ropes in the smuggling world.
Han Solo costume worn by Alden Ehrenreich
in Solo: A Star Wars Story
Fans of the space rogue can also check out Harrison Ford's Han Solo costume from Star Wars: The Force Awakens on display.
Lando Calrissian costume worn by Donald Glover
in Solo: A Star Wars Story
Long before he ran Bespin's Cloud City, the flamboyant charmer 'Lando Calrissian' was a smuggler on the rise in the galaxy's underworld. Originally played by Billy Dee Williams, his younger counterpart is played by Atlanta's Donald Glover.
Fans of the iconic science fiction film franchise can also enjoy all these other Star Wars movie costumes on display.
Fans of the iconic science fiction film franchise can also enjoy all these other Star Wars movie costumes on display.
Solo: A Star Wars Story movie poster
Hello Jason,
ReplyDeleteI am currently in the process of creating a free pattern book for the holsters of Han Solo. Your photos of the Solo and TFA costumes would be a great asset to my research and so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I had access to the original quality?
The images won't be used anywhere but in my personal reference section unless you otherwise give permission. I am recording my process on YouTube - - but, if I were to use your images there I would ask your permission first, give you full credit and only use the images from your blog.
Anyway, let me know if this would be possible. Thank you.
All images are available for a nominal donation to help keep this blog running. If interested you can message me at Thanks!