Even though I visited the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff Bay earlier this year in May, when I was back in Wales I couldn't resist another trip on December 9, 2013, especially as they have a fresh new exhibit from the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor.
Original costumes and props featured in The Day of the Doctor
50th anniversary Doctor Who special
Not only did they have the costumes worn by all three Doctors in the special episode, including most importantly the outfit worn by John Hurt as the previously unknown warrior-like 'War Doctor', accompanied by the respective incarnations of their TARDIS space-time traveling machines. In addition the new display also included costumes worn by Billie Piper as the personification of the 'Moment Box' interface and Joanna Hart's impressive 'Queen Elizabeth I' gown, plus Gallifreyan Time Lord war room costumes and props. This place really is Whovian heaven.
Doctor Who The Day of the Doctor TV poster
The fantastic exhibit also featured a wonderful full-body costume and alien-looking props of the returning Doctor Who foes, the Zygons, another extraterrestrial race affected by the Time War.
Zygon costume and props from The Day of the Doctor
Unlike Doctor Who enemies the Daleks and Cybermen who have a much more robotic look, the shape-shifting Zygons have a much more biological humanoid appearance with a body covered in squid-like suckers. These metamorphic aliens are able to mimic the voice and appearance of other races, whilst the technology they employ has an organic quality to it.
Original costume worn by Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor
and his TARDIS from The Day of the Doctor
The Day of the Doctor commemorative 50th anniversary special aired simultaneously in over 90 countries on November 23, 2013 and starred not just one, but three incarnations of the Time Lord.In the episode the current and Eleventh Doctor played by Matt Smith and his Companion 'Clara Oswald' (Jenna Coleman) are called upon by U.N.I.T. to give him instructions from his previous wife, 'Queen Elizabeth I of England', hidden away in a secret vault in London's National Gallery.
The Eleventh Doctor is drawn through a fissure in time and he ends up in Elizabethan England where his previous incarnation in attempting to uncover a Zygon scheme to conquer Earth.
Original costume worn by David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor
and his TARDIS featured in The Day of the Doctor
David Tennant reprises his role as the Tenth Doctor in this special and dons his infamous pin-stripe suit and brown trenchcoat once again.One of the biggest revelations we learned recently about the Doctor's history, was the identity of the 'missing' Doctor, who comes after Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor and before Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor, although the numbering is clearly thrown out by this new aged 'War Doctor'.
Original costume worn by John Hurt as the War Doctor
and his TARDIS from The Day of the Doctor

Acclaimed British actor John Hurt played the part of the old and bedraggled 'Dark Doctor' and wears a battered leather jacket over the Eighth Doctor's Victorian-style waistcoat, a look created by Series Costume Designer Howard Burden.

This battle-weary 'War Doctor' is shown on the frontline fighting the Daleks in the Gallifreyan city of Arcadia and contemplates using a doomsday superweapon named the 'Moment' to end the catastrophic Time War between his people and his deadliest of enemies.
Before the events of The Day of the Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor thought this previous version of himself had lost the right to call himself 'The Doctor' after his actions during the war.

I have to say it took me some time to get into this episode with so much expectation riding on it and so many characters to be serviced, but at a certain point in time it totally won me over (probably the air punching joy of seeing all the Doctor's past, and even a glimpse at his future incarnations, did the trick), and so it was a real treat to see all these costumes and props from the anniversary special on display and up close in person.
Stay tuned in the days to come for even more detailed photos from The Day of the Doctor exhibit and be sure to check out even more Doctor Who costumes and props here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.
Let the countdown to the Doctor's next regeneration begin.
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