In 2013's fresh take on the Hansel & Gretel fable, where the grownup brother and sister duo escaped their encounter in the gingerbread house and become notorious witch hunters, Famke Janssen plays the evil grand witch 'Muriel'.

She looks resplendent in black feathers and leather in the movie (even when she's in full hideous witch makeup) and her beautiful dark gown was photographed alongside the other witches outfits from the fantasy movie at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema on January 29, 2013.
Evil witch costume worn by Famke Janssen
Be sure to stay tuned in the days to come for a closer look at the two other witch costumes from Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters on display.
Plus for another take on witch costumes, have a look at these original witch costumes from Hocus Pocus.