I may have been fortunate enough to see these classic Tron costumes from Disney's 1982 sci-fi cult favourite at the D23 Expo in Anaheim last year, but it was still a thrill to see them up close again under different lighting conditions at the Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives exhibition on July 17, 2012.
Actual Tron movie costumes on display
Elois Jenssen and Rosanna Norton were nominated for an Oscar for these now iconic looking costume designs.
Tron movie poster
Kevin Flynn costume worn by Jeff Bridges in Tron
If you like his outfit from the original movie, be sure to also check out Jeff Bridges costume from Tron: Legacy, the 2010 sequel.Next, the mannequin holding the Identity Disc is the outfit worn by the Program 'Ram' played by Dan Shor.
Ram costume worn by Dan Shor in Tron
These skin-tight outfits look so simplistic now, but at the time with the cutting-edge special effects in the early 80's they looked so futuristic and super sci-fi when I was a kid.
Tron costume worn by Bruce Boxleitner
Standing beside Tron is the costume worn by the female Program and his love interest 'Yuri' played by Cindy Morgan in the film.
Yuri costume worn by Cindy Morgan in Tron

If you did want to replicate this look, you'd have to keep in mind that this Yuri costume is missing a belt.
If you like these original outfits, be sure to check out the sexy Tron: Legacy Light-suits from the sequel that updated these classic costumes for a new generation.
Thank you so much for this! it's good to have a nice reference for the costumes! I salute your documentation!