This Incredible Hulk statue was on display in the foyer at ArcLight Hollywood cinema in L.A. on May 3, 2008 to help publicise Marvel Comics second big screen outing for their Jade Giant.
Around 200 or so life-size Hulk replicas, standing over eight feet tall and six feet wide, could be found across theatres in the USA for the movie debut of Iron Man and during the release period for The Incredible Hulk movie, starring Edward Norton as Bruce Banner.
The Incredible Hulk movie wall mural in New York City

Life-size Incredible Hulk movie statue
on display at ArcLight Hollywood

The Incredible Hulk movie billboard
along Sunset Boulevard in L.A.

Just as a quality comparison, here's a Hulk statue outside the Marvel Comics store at Universal Studios Hollywood, which is much more cartoony and less realistic (but still fun to have your picture taken with).

Be sure to search the Comic Book 'label' for more great superhero themed costumes, props and movie memorabilia.