Meryl Streep seems to have developed quite a knack for playing iconic women from history, be it america's culinary legend Julia Child in Julie & Julia, or Britain's first and only female Prime Minister 'Margaret Thatcher' in 2011's The Iron Lady.
Actual costumes worn by Meryl Streep as
The London Film Museum recently had a special 'Best of British' homage exhibit to the biopic and showcased a fantastic array of costumes designed by Consolata Boyle and original props featured in the movie. I had a chance to photograph these costumes on May 15, 2012.
The Iron Lady costume exhibit at The London Film Museum
You can't help but feel these fabulous recreations of the iconic Prime Minister's wardrobe, along with amazing aging special effects make-up, helped Meryl Streep transform herself into this legendary world leader and deliver an Oscar-winning performance in the film.
1974 House of Commons debate costume worn by Meryl Streep
This blue/white fleck jacket suit bound in dark blue silk, paired with a powder blue felt hat, was worn by a younger, less experienced Margaret Thatcher for a 1974 House of Commons debate.
Margaret Thatcher campaign costume worn by Meryl Streep
This is one of Margaret Thatcher's trademark blue suits, and pearls, on the Conservative Party election trail that Meryl Streep wears in the movie.
1984 Brighton Conservative Party Conference suit worn by Meryl Streep
Blue is the colour of the Conservatives in Britain so it's no surprise that Margaret Thatcher wore a symbolic navy wool suit to the Conservative Party Conference in 1984.
The Iron Lady movie poster
Outfits worn by Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher
for 1989 Cabinet Room meetings at Downing Street
Margaret Thatcher was known for being a formidable politician and Meryl Streep wore these 'power suits' for scenes in Cabinet Room meetings at 10 Downing Street in 1989.
1990 Downing Street resignation outfit
worn by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady

The actress wore this deep red wool 'power suit', with maroon velvet collar, when Margaret Thatcher resigns her position as Prime Minster and leader of the Conservative Party in 1990 and exits 10 Downing Street.
If you like these outfits, be sure to check out the gowns worn by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady, plus original props from the movie too.
The Iron Lady movie poster
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