Just as the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in Downtown L.A. showcased the past twelve months of movie costume design earlier this Spring, they're currently shining a spotlight on TV wardrobes with their 10th annual Art of TV Costume Design exhibit which runs until October 15, 2016. Included in the exhibition of over 100 outfits from over twenty shows are these Emmy nominated costumes from George R.R. Martin's medieval fantasy epic, Game of Thrones.
Original costumes from HBO's Game of Thrones

These five fantastic costumes are credited to Costume Designer Michele Clapton, Assistant Costume Designer Chloe Aubry and Costume Supervisor Sheena Wichary and were photographed on display on August 9, 2016.
Game of Thrones season six TV billboard
The show now in its sixth season is set in the land of Westeros where feuding families vie for control of the Iron Throne through bloody battles, treachery and subtle scheming.
Ellaria Sand costume worn by Indira Varma
in Game of Thrones
'Ellaria Sand' from Dorne first appeared in the fourth season of Game of Thrones and after the death of her lover and father of her children, 'Prince Oberyn', she vows revenge against House Lannister leading her warrior daughters, the 'Sand Snakes'.in Game of Thrones
Balon Greyjoy costume worn by Patrick Malahide
in Game of Thrones
'King Balon Greyjoy' was introduced in the second season and is head of House Greyjoy and Lord of the Iron Isles, and he is father to 'Theon' and 'Yara Greyjoy'. Ruling from Pyke the Ironborn are seafaring folk who live by raiding and pillaging.in Game of Thrones
Alliser Thorne costume worn by Owen Teale
in Game of Thrones
When the vindictive 'Alliser Thorne' is introduced in the first season he is master-at-arms at Castle Black, one of the Night's Watch that protects the North from Wildlings from beyond the Wall. The men of the Night's Watch characteristically dress in black and wear thick layers and furs, because 'Winter is coming'.in Game of Thrones
Ramsay Bolton costume worn by Iwan Rheon
in Game of Thrones
'Ramsay Bolton' is the sadistic bastard son of 'Roose Bolton', Lord of the Dreadfort. First appearing in the fourth season of the hit HBO show, he enjoys hunting and torturing people for pleasure.in Game of Thrones
Doran Martell costume worn by Alexander Siddig
in Game of Thrones
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine star Alexander Siddig plays the sickly ruling Dornish Prince 'Doran Martell', introduced in the fifth season, older brother of Prince Oberyn.in Game of Thrones
These fabulous Game of Thrones costumes is part of the free FIDM Museum exhibit, which is open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10am to 5pm, so if you get the chance be sure to pop along to see them up close in person and out of reflective display cases.
If you like these outlandish outfits, be sure to also check out the FIDM's movie costume exhibition from earlier this year which featured costumes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Crimson Peak, Cinderella, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation and many more besides.
Game of Thrones season six TV billboard
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