
Friday, May 8, 2020

Magical screen-worn Into the Woods film costumes on display...

In director Rob Marshall's 2014 big screen adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods stage musical, Costume Designer Colleen Atwood was Oscar-nominated once again for the magical looks she created for the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale characters. Enjoy this quartet of costumes from the film that were photographed on display at Disney's D23 Expo in Anaheim, California on August 23, 2019, part of the Walt Disney Archives Heroes & Villains: The Art of the Disney Costume exhibit.
The Witch costume worn by Meryl Streep
in Into the Woods
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch movie costume
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch film costume
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch movie costume
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch costume
Into the Woods Witch movie costume
Into the Woods Witch film costume detail
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch costume
Meryl Streep Into the Woods Witch costume cloak
Into the Woods Witch movie costume cloak detail
First up is the intricate costume worn by Meryl Streep as 'The Witch' that cursed the 'Baker and his Wife' in the movie.

If you like this dark and spellbinding look, make sure you check out Meryl Streep's post-transformation blue Witch costume too.

Into the Woods movie poster
Meryl Streep fans can also enjoy taking a closer look at her Oscar-nominated movie costumes from Florence Foster Jenkins, her Margaret Thatcher costumes from The Iron Lady and her costume from The Post on display.

Cinderella costume worn by Anna Kendrick
in Into the Woods
Anna Kendrick Into the Woods Cinderella movie costume
Anna Kendrick Into the Woods Cinderella gold dress
Into the Woods Cinderella film costume detail
Into the Woods Cinderella film costume necklace
Into the Woods Cinderella movie costume detail
Anna Kendrick Into the Woods Cinderella costume
Into the Woods Cinderella film golden slippers
Into the Woods Cinderella costume shoes
Anna Kendrick Into the Woods Cinderella gold shoes
In the movie Anna Kendrick plays a more reluctant princess with a cheating prince, her look is inspired by the forest and golden to stand out because of all the night shooting for the feature film.

You can also see this costume and Chris Pine's Prince Charming costume from Into the Woods on display at Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre during the film's theatrical release.

Into the Woods movie poster
Anna Kendrick fans can also check out these Pitch Perfect movie costumes, these Noelle movie costumes and her costume from A Simple Favor on display.

Into the Woods movie poster
In the movie, Johnny Depp's version of 'The Wolf' is inspired by the swing era and Tex Avery cartoons with his zoot suit and fur-trimmed fedora hat, whilst his tail is made from a 1920s wig-making technique.

Little Red Riding Hood costume worn by Lilla Crawford
and The Wolf costume worn by Johnny Depp
in Into the Woods
Wolf Red Riding Hood costumes Into the Woods
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf movie costume
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf film costume
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf fedora hat
Into the Woods Wolf fedora hat
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf costume
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf costume detail
Johnny Depp Into the Woods Wolf feet detail
Into the Woods Wolf costume back
Little Red Riding Hood Wolf costumes Into the Woods
Wolf Little Red Riding Hood Into the Woods film costumes
Wolf Red Riding Hood Into the Woods costumes
Lilla Crawford Into Woods Red Riding Hood film costume
Red Riding Hood Wolf Into the Woods film costumes
Red Riding Hood Wolf Into the Woods movie costumes
Lilla Crawford Into Woods Red Riding Hood costume
Lilla Crawford Into the Woods Red Riding Hood costume
Little Red Riding Hood cloak Into the Woods movie
Meanwhile Lilla Crawford's 'Little Red Riding Hood' costume is influenced by 1920 and 1930s fairytale illustrations and references.

For another take on the iconic fairytale character, you can also enjoy this Red Riding Hood costume from TV's Once Upon a Time on display.

Into the Woods movie poster

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