
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Original Twilight movie costumes worn by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart...

These two Twilight outfits were worn by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the movie adaption of Stephanie Meyer's successful teen vampire romance novels were on display at ArcLight Hollywood in L.A., on November 27, 2008.
Original Twilight movie costumes
Bella and Edward Twilight character costumes
On the left is Robert Pattinson's costume for vampire 'Edward Cullen' and on the right is the outfit worn by Kristen Stewart as the heroine 'Bella Swan'.
'Edward' and 'Bella' character costumes from the movie Twilight
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Twilight movie costumes
Twilight movie poster
Twilight movie poster
Twilight costume display at Arclight Hollywood
Original Twilight movie costumes